Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Why do people feel afraid?
What goes through someone's mind when they're scared?
What makes someone feel afraid?
Are they anxious at the sametime?

    As your heart beats out of your chest and your breathing quickens, people begin to wonder the answer to these reactions; this reaction is known as the "fight or flight" response. Your heart beats faster each minute in order to pump more blood to the body (brain and muscles). Your pupils largen to see better allowing you to focus on the important situation at hand. The lungs in your body are also intaking a larger amount of oxygen to your body. Your urinary system and digestive track slow down for the time being allowing you to concentrate on what's going on. (

Many teens across the nation and the world are afraid of venturing out beyond their comfort zone. Psychologolist Doctor, Holly Counts, listens in onto a client:

Q: For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of people like their watching me and laughing and judging my every move. I stutter when I’m nervous. I over think everything I do making things worse. I feel safe in my room where I spend most of my time. A few weeks ago I notice it been 5 yrs since high school and I’m still at same spot in my life I was then. I don’t have many friends. I don’t drive. I rely on my family for transportation for work. I don’t know what to do. I feel I‘m in prison and a burden to my family. I’ve tried going out but I always stop at the door. What should I do?

A: I cannot diagnose you without a face to face evaluation but it sounds like you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder such as social phobia or agoraphobia. You may want to research these so you can understand more about the problems you are having. I also often recommend a book called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook for a self-help approach. I would strongly suggest you find a good therapist to work with so you can start living your life in the manner you want to. You may also benefit from medication, especially in the beginning as you start to address your fears. These conditions can be crippling but they are very treatable. With some professional help and determination on your part, I am confident that you will be able to leave the safety of your home and start embracing all that life has to offer. Good luck.

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